Stable printed Perovskite/Organic Tandem solar cells and modules for indoor & IoT (SPOT-IT)

Project funded by the CET-P Joint Call 2022

SPOT-IT pioneers highly stable efficient flexible lightweight Perovskite/ Organic Tandem Solar Cells for indoor energy harvesting to power the Internet of Things (IoT).

Focusing on abundant raw materials, simple processes and flexible substrates, SPOT-IT promotes low-carbon PV systems, contributes to EU strategic priorities for resource efficiency and sustainable energy and enhances device sustainability and recyclability, in alignment with the EU Green Deal and RePower EU Plan. The outcomes will significantly impact renewable energy production, fostering EU leadership and creating jobs, and lessen EU dependence on fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

SPOT-IT bridges academic and industrial sectors, advances scientific knowledge and facilitates technology transfer; it fosters societal awareness of green technologies, benefits multiple sectors and anticipates new markets for flexible printable solar cells (IoT, BIPV, automotive…).

SPOT-IT not only drives technological and scientific progress but also cultivates a sustainable, greener future, benefiting society, the economy and the environment.

SPOT-IT objectives


35% on 0.1 cm2 (under indoor light) using Pb-free perovskite layers and less toxic solvents


28% for 5×5 cm2 fully printed tandem modules


90% of initial efficiency maintained after 1000 h testing in indoor conditions


low-cost and abundant materials through Design of Experiment and Life Cycle Assessment

“SPOT-IT flexible and lightweight tandem Perovskite/Organic Solar Cells will be able to harvest light in indoor environments, relying on sustainable materials and technological processes”

Francesca Brunetti

Project coordinator and Professor of Electronic Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata

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