1st Indoor Photovoltaics Conference (IPVC-1)

SPOT-IT partners will participate to the 1st Indoor Photovoltaics Conference (IPVC-1) in Tampere, Finland, on 4-5 July 2024. The conference, organized by SPOT-IT partner Tampere University, will bring together the scientific community for networking, building new collaborations and getting informed about the state of the art for indoor PV. The conference program comprises invited talks from top-notch experts from leading institutions, encompassing all the relevant aspects and technologies within the realm of indoor PV, such as materials and device development, characterization, modelling, upscaling, integration, commercialization, standards and best practices. The conference will also include contributed talks, a poster session, panel discussions, networking sessions, an exhibition and a conference dinner.

See you in Tampere!

More info and registration: https://events.tuni.fi/ipvc-1/